The father, as you see can use only one good hand but still works as a laborer. The mother is working on day jobs on and off. From time to time, they have requested from the various leaders and parties however have not been able to get a proper solution figured for their problem of getting some donation to build a decent toilet facility.
Toilet for family in Polonnaruwa
- Project Start Date
- Project End Date
- Total Funds
- People Benefits
This request came to us from Polonnaruwa. The father, as you see can use only one good hand but still works as a laborer. The mother is working on day jobs on and off. From time to time, they have requested from the various political leaders and parties however have not been able to get a proper solution figured for their problem of getting some donation to build a decent toilet facility.
You can see the current status of their toilet and there is no drainage and the pit is not properly constructed and it's basically just a hole in the ground. The children do not use the toilet since it's dangerous and "scared they may fall in" so they just go out in the open.
Since we started the initiative, the father regardless of his short arm is helping build it. That's what people who really want to get something done, DO. They make things happen when we give them a little push.