Sanitary Unit for Bandara Manike, family of four in Madamahnuwara
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- Project Start Date
- Project End Date
We chose this family who doesn't have a permanent toilet and therefore has been using a pit (see pictures) in a really bad condition with a new sanitation unit this quarter.
S.M.P.G. Bandara Manike lives in Thannalanda division and has two children who are currently studying. Her husband is a temporary worker and due to his illness he can’t continuously find work. The house they live in is made out of clay. She herself doesn't have a permanent job and because of that they can’t afford to complete the construction of the house to a better state.
The funding for this was by Amali Wijethunga in remembrance of her beloved mothers birthday this year and we want to thank her for her kindness. Also to Amila Ruwanka who has been coordinating our efforts from Madamahanuwara for this initiative.
YOU CAN HELP FURTHER - the mother has been requesting a monthly bus fee for the school of her elder daughter, which is Rs.6000/= (USD 20). If anyone would like to sponsor for her education for the next several years please send us a message and we can put you in touch with the family to help these children continue their education.
Thank you