A place called home - Kumara & his family of two
A place called home - Kumara & his family of two
- Project Start Date
- Project End Date
Avurudu came a little early for Kumara and his family with their new home
Six whole months, That’s how long they waited for their dream home to be completed in the beautiful but very very rural Meemure. It was a bumpy ride, with price increases, material shortages, covid etc, etc. but we finally managed to complete their home. We know there are a few last touches with the last color wash and the floor touch-ups, which will be completed in the next couple of weeks..
Kumara, his wife, and her young daughter were eager to celebrate the new year at their first “real home” and we made arrangements to hand it over days before. This family of two was living on desperate terms (we attached some pics to show you how their home looked like before this initiative became a reality) but thankfully look at now, they got a two-bedroom home with a bathroom with shower and also a water tank so they do not have to carry water every day.
We want to thank @kaveen Jayawardena and @ramesha Perera for joining hands with us on their great impact and entirely bearing the cost for this their new home. Last September we embarked on this journey of building a home for Kumar and then ever since they have been very understanding, sympathetic, and eager to see the best for the family, and only the best
And kudos to our awesome volunteers Udayanga Wickramarathne and Amila Ruwanka for a job well done. It’s not easy coordinating a home it is a very rural area where it’s hardly reached by vehicle. But you did it, Thank you