Clean water to a family
Clean water to a family
- Project Start Date
- Project End Date
Monthly member initiative completion
Menaka, a mother of 3 toddlers.. trying to weave hats to find a better life for her children.. we met her two years ago when we helped with Thissa upliftment projects.
Being an orphan she has always been in doubt and fear of how she can face her future, and whenever times get tough she has even attempted the unthinkable due to difficulties she had to face in her life. Due to illiteracy and social pressure, there are many women like her who believe putting an end to her life and children will end the pain..
We have been fortunate to find a well-wisher who is sponsoring the education of all 3 children. Now her biggest dream is to give her children the education that they deserve. We are hoping for the best and keeping a watch out and giving them advice as much as we go along the way.
There are a lot of necessities they all wish for in their home front. Water has been a priority for her. The well she used in the past has gone bad and she had to walk to get water for her everyday needs. And with three toddlers, it hasn't been easy. And after months of waiting, finally, we managed to help fulfill her request through our monthly member donations by extending a water line to her home.
It's been a moment of happiness for her family and definitely, they are indeed grateful for everyone who helped in this cause. Thanks again to everyone who makes these initiatives a success by donating with whatever amount they can monthly. Clean water is a necessity, should not be an option for anyone. And you made it a reality.