Nuwani created a Birthday Fundraiser in memory of her father’s 10 year death anniversary to support Pediatric Intensive care unit (PICU) of Teching Hospital Anuradhapura. She managed to raise USD 2109.00 ( Rs. 650,000) for a CCRT machine which has been a need for the hospital.
Nuwanis fundraiser - Pediatric ICU,Teaching Hospital Anuradhapura
- Project Location
Pediatric ICU,Teaching Hospital Anuradhapura
- Project Start Date
- Project End Date
Nuwani created a Birthday Fundraiser in memory of her father’s 10 year death anniversary to support Pediatric Intensive care unit (PICU) of Teching Hospital Anuradhapura. She managed to raise USD 2109.00 ( Rs. 650,000) for a CCRT machine which has been a need for the hospital.
The Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) at Teaching Hospital Anuradhapura is deeply committed to improving the quality of care provided to children in need, particularly those requiring intensive care. The critical nature of pediatric healthcare demands access to the latest technologies and equipment to ensure the best possible outcomes for our young patients. This crucial equipment would greatly benefit their PICU and directly contribute to the improved care and treatment and would significantly enhance their ability to provide high quality care to the children entrusted to them.
Along with @Nuwani Wasana Mirando we want to thank all of you who donated for this noble cause. We also want to thank Head Nurse Ms. Adhikari for coordinating this effort with the consultants. The CCRT machjne was purchased from Meditechnology and invoices attached for your reference. The acknowledgement letter from hospital will be uploaded soon.
Thank you all for making a difference