Project Virya - Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy(CRRT)machine
Project Virya - Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy(CRRT)machine
- Project Start Date
- Project End Date
Project Virya
Project Virya was founded with the objective of providing assistance to a considerable number of patients in Sri Lanka who suffer from heart and kidney-related ailments. To provide them with a new ray of hope by donating a Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy (CRRT) machine to the Teaching Hospital Karapitiya.
For several years patients with acute heart-lung and disease have been suffering due to a lack of proper medical facilities as there's only one operational ECMO machine in Sri Lanka. This issue came into the limelight recently with the untimely demise of Dr. Gayan Danthanarayana who succumbed to COVID-19. One of the solutions as stated by the medical experts is to provide a dialysis machine that is compatible with the current ECMO machine.
The 2007 batch of Musaeus College decided to take up this task in memory of late Dr. Gayan Danthanarayana, thereby founded Project Vīrya - Fundraiser to donate a Dialysis Machine to galvanise the public and encourage people to donate funds for this noble endeavour.
Raise SL is humbly grateful to invited to be part of this great initiative to bring together hundreds of contributors to multiple platforms raiding USD 5252 (over 1 million Sri Lankan rupees) to help more and more lives in the future. (bills and contributors attached for reference)
We thank all of you who donated to this cause - it is indeed a lifesaver for many more years to come. Thank you so much to the amazing team of Project Virya including Yasaara who was constantly liaising between the Raise SL team with her personal FB fundraiser and conforming to all formalities required for documentation. Thank you for your kindness and the effort from all of you who were part of this, support along the way..