Inauguration of the “Feed a Child” program
Inauguration of the “Feed a Child” program
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- Project End Date
Sharing a few pics from the Inauguration of the “Feed a Child” program organized by Sri Lanka College of Paediatricians in collaboration with Sri Lanka Red Cross Society and Family Health Bureau was held on 31st August at Nuwara Eliya.
Prof. Guwani Liyanage (President of Sri Lanka College of Paediatricians), Dr Kosala karunaratne (President Elect, SLCP), many other consultant paediatricians, Dr Chithramalee de Silva(Director Family health Bureau), Dr. Sarath Amunugama and Mr. Chopa Edirisinghe (Programme Director, Red Cross Society) graced the occasion. Mr. Roshan Mahanama, former cricket captain, the Honorary Brand Ambassador of the inauguration ceremony in Nuwara Eliya. Mr. Divakar Ratnadurai (National Director, SOS Village Sri Lanka), Ms. Shiromi Masakorala from Roshan Mahanama Trust, Mr Srimath Weliwita from Ninewells Hospital and Hearts of Joy, Mr. Shantha Bandara from Sunshine Healthcare Lanka Ltd, and many other well-wishers joined hands with Sri Lanka College of Paediatricians to make this event a success.
This programme was launched to provide food packs worth Rs.6000 per month for six months for children with severe undernutrition in the Nuwara Eliya district. Also, a village-level sustainable self-sufficiency model for food and nutrition security and a cash management competency development programme will be introduced through this intervention.
Since the partnership with Raise Sri Lanka, we on a mission to collect USD 15,000 to sponsor the 150 children next 5 months. We want your help to create awareness and help us reach our primary goal. If we manage to reach our primary target we will be able to help more malnourished infants and toddlers to get out of the misery they are in today.
Facebook fundraiser : https://www.facebook.com/donate/2029705670556166/?fundraiser_source=external_url
Gofundme : https://gofund.me/b992ec57