Treatment for Daham - Who is struggling from Leukemia
Treatment for Daham - Who is struggling from Leukemia
- Project Start Date
- Project End Date
We got this urgent request from Daham's mother Seelawathi on the 18th of February stating that the treatment required for Daham, a 13-year-old boy, suffering from leukemia, was not available in the Maharagama Apeksha hospital and needed to purchase from out. Seelawathi is working on day jobs and her husband has left and has been taking care of Daham with the greatest difficulty. She was not able to find the money for her son in the 11th hour and reached out for well wishes around.
Thankfully to our monthly members, we always have a monthly fund collected which can be utilized for urgent medical needs like these that spin off without warning. We were able to repurpose Jan month-end monthly member contributions and respond within 24 hours to help with the cause.
Daham was able to get the treatment he deserved on the very next day and now is doing well. We really hope he gets better with time. It's saddening to see young lives like Daham's having to undergo so much pain due to cancer..
We are grateful for your continuous help to make causes like this possible for people who need it the most. Thank you to all our monthly members!