In memory of Chamindu - Uplift Rural Morayaya, Minipe DH
In memory of Chamindu - Uplift Rural Morayaya, Minipe DH
- Project Start Date
- Project End Date
Monthly member Initiatives 2022
This year our focus is to identify several rural very less maintained and under privileged hospitals and schools and help bring them to an acceptable operational condition. In the past couple of months we have been prepping for this big task and With our cadence of funds coming in through monthly contributions, this task will be a reality in the upcoming months.
As the first step, we have identified Morayaya Minipe district hospital. The OPD unit treats around 100 patients every day however is operating with minimum facilities. There is no direct waterline and it is daily supplied to the patients paying Rs.500 per container.
Most of the patients who visit this hospital are also equally poor. And currently they are opening few new clinics and getting the basic equipment is a struggle as well. Here are the most urgent needs that we are looking at (letters attached) with our monthly members and if you like to get together to give the gift of health and well-being, get together with Raise Sri Lanka
1. Roof and partition of the consultation rooms
2. Water supply
3. Generator for the hospital
4. Garage for the ambulance
Stay with us for more and more updates as we roll out these good deeds and help this hospital