G/Lelwala Wickramasinghe School - New Library
G/Lelwala Wickramasinghe School - New Library
- Project Start Date
- Project End Date
It’s a N-O F-R-I-L-L-S rural poor school in Galle.
The children doesn’t have matching outfits for their dance performances.. their best white uniform is blue after washing and trying to get stains out. The school has to provide the children the only meal to keep them coming back to school ..
YET.. yet..,
The children, teachers and parents did all they could in their power to make it a special memorable day for them. They hand entertainment planned with their limited resources, borrowed audio devices, home cooked Kiribath and kavili for us and the children by teachers.. and invited special guests from temple and police.
Sometimes it’s the little things to show that you care.
For the school and children this would be a date that would go in their books. With your kind donations we managed to save demolition of their 72 year old historic building and restore its glory back to a library and a IT facility. And we also managed to help them with their classroom capacity issue to some level by giving these two extra rooms fully renovated , roof, floors and walls..
The donations included
Complete renovation of the building including replacing roof, walls and floor fixtures (two rooms)
Library cupboards and 50 library books for students from grade 1 - 10
Audio sound system with two microphones for their assemblies etc.
There were four beautiful performances planned by the students across all grades. And the four hour ceremony was indeed a blessing to be part of. We hope that these children would one day grow up to be the future of our country and they would in turn be the beacon of hope for someone else’s life!
Thank you everyone who donated for this worthy cause. (List of Contributors and expenses/bills attached) Thank you
Special thanks to Udara for his great hard work for Galle and his continuous support for this project from initiation till closure execution. Also thank you to Pramila silva and Chathurika for all that you do for this charity to be successful by managing internal coronation.