Hansanie's Giving Tuesday fundraiser-Send kids back to school2022
Hansanie's Giving Tuesday fundraiser-Send kids back to school2022
- Project Start Date
- Project End Date
Back to school 2022 - Donation round 3
It has been a memorable day for 84 children of Patunugama Maha vidyalaya, pulasthigama.
This is the first of 3 donations brought to our notice through our charity arm hard truths children's society. The schools are underprivileged and also through the other programs we have funded them with multiple school needs. And as part of our back-to-school program Raise Sri Lanka with your generous donations funded for the full list of school books for children to continue their education this year.
We thank everyone who helped on this cause. And to all of you who send your support our way to make this possible. This is the last donation of the fundraiser by Hansanie in November - send kids Back to school. (Bills and contributors attached)
We are grateful for volunteer Harshana, along with his Hard truths charity team who does a splendid job as always to co-support the execution of this project.