Donate desktop computer to Mathugama Udugama K.v school
Mathugama Udugama K.v school_Desktop computer
- Project Location
Mathugama Udugama K.v school
- Project Start Date
- Project End Date
Udugama K.v is a 1-11 school that is situated in the picturesque setting in the lewwanduwa and occupies around 100 children from financially crippled families. Although the expectation of the school staff is to provide facilities and education of any other school in the nation, they are unable to do so with the limited facilities.
On priority they were seeking RSL’s assistance in acquiring a new desktop computer for the school. The current malfunctioning of two computers is a significant challenge to encourage the students for essential computer literacy skills and we took action to provide them with a new computer to continue taking up computer studies back again to their curriculum.
With RSL’s generous support with the funding through donor contributions, a new desktop computer was donated and it would make a substantial difference in the students' learning journey. The computer was handed over in the presence of the principal and the village monk and we can see children using it for the first time in a while. Their current computer table and chair is in dire state and if anyone wants to donate, please let us know. It would cost around Rs.30,000
Thank you to all of you who donated and keep donating. And especially to those who celebrated their bdays memorably by creating bday fundraisers whenever there is an opportunity. Thank you @Harshana Lakmal and @Hard truths children's society for bringing this request up to our notice and being part of a great project once again.